What's Current in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod Official Newspaper of Synod

Our Lutheran - Talk Radio

Concordia Theological Quarterly

Are you past the milk of the Word, and now ready for the more difficult....
Heavy Theological Reading...but Worth the Effort....

Project Wittenberg

Kramer Chapel

attend chapel each day with the folks at our seminary in Fort Wayne...

Visit our Concordia Seminary, in St Louis

Not your casual reading...but "meet and potatoes" of the Gospel

What a Way

Concordia Bioethics Institute

Concordia Catechetical Academy

LCMS Commission of Worship

The Christian Cyclopedia

The Cranach Institute


Concordia Academic Press

Lutheran Heritage Foundation

The Book of Concord: The Lutheran Confessions of 1529-1580

Reformation Today

Historical Theology Sites

St. Augustine

The Expressions of Faith in Creed and Confession.... A review of a number of Christian Faiths...

Other Theological Sites and Journals

C.S. Lewis Institute

Music and Arts

J.S. Bach....

J.S. Bach play bass....