Messages from Pastor Raddatz
Matthew 28:16-20, June 7, 2020 Mount Olive Lutheran Church
Teach as You Go! Matthew 28:16-20
Main Idea: Life-long learning is the best possibility for God’s teaching
Grace mercy and peace from God our Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
Today we remember that we are believers in one God, yet three persons. This is Holy Trinity Sunday. This doctrine or teaching is unique to Christianity. We believe in One God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Teaching happens best when we view learning as a life-long activity. The greatest lessons can happen when we least expect it.
God calls us to Teach as you go, or in other words, always be learning and always be living. Learn what it means to be a follower of Jesus every day and act as a follower of Jesus every day. Our text is Matthew 28:16-20, The Great Commission. This purpose is not only given to the disciples, but it is also given to us. God wants to raise believers during all stages of life. He asks us to Teach as we go, as we live. God is fully involved in the mission.
The disciples have seen Jesus risen body before. This is the first time we are told, they worshipped him. There is a generous benefit to worship. When you worship, you meet Jesus in song and in his word. Another benefit of worship is that it our minds and our hearts are centered on Jesus.
Do not doubt=be double minded, Matthew 14:31
Matthew 14:31, Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?” (NIV)
Doubt is being in two minds: the minds of belief and unbelief. It is like trying to walk with one foot in the bucket of faith and one foot in the bucket of non-faith. It is important to remember that the disciples did not know what was going to happen next. Much like us they worried about and were uncertain about the next step. Jesus reminds them that they should take their feet and place both in the bucket of faith because all authority has been given to Jesus. He is over all things. What he wants us to do is to teach others all the things he has told us in his word.
Jesus’ “authority over all things” means: God’s power is boundless. Christ is ruling, in our favor, over all things. Currently, the Risen Christ, without money or army or state, is commissioning this band of five hundred men and women with world conquest and bringing them to believe it possible and to undertake it with serious passion and power. Robertson, A.T.: Word Pictures in the New Testament. Oak Harbor: Logos Research Systems, 1997, S. Mt 28:18
Through the power of God we can undertake his mission with serious passion.
When Jesus died on the cross, he said, “It is finished”. He has conquered all of Satan’s power. The devil can no longer convict you of any sin or of any of your failures. Through the death of Jesus we are new people. He has given us power over our shortcomings. In fact, he still wants to use us with all our inadequacies and faults.
One of the greatest missionaries was Paul. He planted churches even while he was troubled by his weaknesses (INADEQUACIES). God used him and God wants to use you. Paul wrote, “"When I am weak, then I am strong”, 2 Corinthians 12:9. Paul would even boast in his weaknesses so that the power of Christ will be made known. .... When we are weak in ourselves, then we are strong in the grace of our Lord ...
We offer to God our life and what we can do, including our gifts, talents, our strengths, and our weaknesses. God will use them to expand his kingdom. You can be sure of this. The results are up to God. You may or may not see what God does with the offering of yourself. Sometimes it will sprout after we have died.
There is never a time or a place where God is not with you, Romans 8:38-39
Romans 8:38-39, “I’m absolutely convinced that nothing—nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or unthinkable—absolutely nothing can get between us and God’s love because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced us.” (The Message)
He is with us when we feel weak and inadequate. His strength is made perfect in our weakness because we depend on him. His presence makes each day filled with purpose.
The best way to make disciples for Jesus is to live a life to serve the Lord. Our actions speak louder than our words!
God our heavenly Father has created us, Jesus the Son has saved us, and the Holy Spirit has called us to believe. God believes in us. God wants all people to know Jesus. He wants all his word with our life. He is always with you. Will you let God use you? He will do amazing things because he is great, and he is faithful. Amen.
May this peace which passes all single human understanding keep your heart and your mind in the one true faith in Christ Jesus, to life everlasting. Amen
Your Fellow Servant, in Christ,
John Raddatz, Vacancy Pastor
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